Refunds and Cancellation Policy

Courses/Classes/Fight Reels

If you cannot attend your course due to work or another conflict a deferral to the next date can be offered or a credit note. The credit note does not expire however after one calendar year you may need to pay the difference if there has been a price increase. Example, if you purchased a course at £350 but two years later the course now costs £375, the balance of £25 would need to be paid.

Courses can be refunded due to a medical reason (Proof required such as Doctors note), however any transaction fee costs will not be refunded.


Please email if you have any issues with your merchandise. Postage costs are non refundable and any returns are at the cost of the sender.

*All refunds will be processed minus the transactions fees, example if the product cost £100 and there was a 0.15% transaction fee you will received £99.85